Significance_the closed-loop relationship between interior design and film
The narrative space and the space narrative in film realm are equally applicable in the field of interior design. In conventional space design, narrative is usually used to realise the design concept. The designer first possesses or is told a strong story background, and then arranges the narrative of the space based on this premise. The consequence of this is that the customer experience deviates from the designer's intention. Human behaviour is unpredictable, so when a strong narrative path appears in space design, compulsory guidance will hinder people's exploration of space narrative. Comparing the narrative methods used in film, we can see that the generation of narrative in narrative space is more like the materialisation of human inner emotions. A single static space has no narrative function before human intervention. When the camera is used as a medium to explore this space, space and time are connected, and this space gets the dimension of time in the camera, that is, the fourth dimension of space. Then, human intervention makes time in the space have meaning. When this intervention constitutes a complete story structure and can have the function of retelling a certain story, the narration is produced. This space is narrative, not because it is guiding the narrative, but it can support it. As one space becomes more than one, the connection between spaces (space narrative) becomes extremely important. If one narrative space tells one story, then the role of space narrative is to combine these small stories into a big story based on a background and make a certain connection between the spaces.
Returning to the interior design in the real space, because of the space requirements of the era of mechanical reproduction, the space gradually moves towards a single pursuit of function and practicality, and the connection between the spaces is weakened. The principle of the use of space in film realm can play a complementary role here. Through the film, real space and fictional space are intertwined, and the unpredictable functions and emotions of the space in use appear here. They serve as additional functions of the space to make the space image full. From the perspective of space demonstration, the lens replaces the human eye to provide people with a new visual angle to explore the space. In the end, these efforts made in the movie space returned to the original prototype in the real space, and proposed new possibilities for the prototype in the real space. This forms a closed-loop from reality to representation to reality. The efforts made in real space and film space are actually to make this closed-loop more complete, which constitutes an interesting cyclical relationship, and further highlights the blurring of the boundary between reality and representation, The possibility of future collaboration between interior designers and filmmakers becomes possible.