A Foreword from the Director, Penny Macbeth

I am delighted to welcome you once more to The Glasgow School of Art Postgraduate Showcase. We hope you enjoy our creative response to mounting a physical degree show during the current pandemic. Our digital platform enables us to share with you, whether you are from industry, creative and cultural programming or as future employers or buyers, the work of our hugely talented postgraduate students at this important moment in their careers.
Since the launch of the Postgraduate Showcase in August 2020, the work of our graduates has continued to develop – and this site has grown to reflect that development. As well as including work newly uploaded by graduates in the months since the launch, the Showcase also now includes the work of those who elected to extend their study until January – meaning there are now over 300 individual Showcases for you to explore.
As a creative community we understand and value the significance of the physical public exhibition, and its importance to the individual practitioner and their audience. Once we are able to move beyond social distancing, the GSA is committed to assisting all of our graduates as they enter their creative careers, supporting them to develop physical exhibitions and presentations that showcase their work. Our support will manifest itself in sponsorship and access to spaces, and our dedicated team are developing a guidance framework for this next stage that will be issued to students soon. Glasgow as a city thrives on the quality and volume of its exhibition and cultural programming, and it is essential that the GSA and its graduates continue to contribute to this going forward. We are committed to making this happen.
The work within this exciting digital showcase represents the culmination of a postgraduate student’s time with us, celebrates their unique creative journeys and signals the start of their professional lives. All students are still able to add new work as they complete it, allowing them to continue to share with you the development of their practice as they transition from graduate to professional practitioner.
We invite you to join with us as we celebrate our postgraduate students, view and engage with their work and reflect on the importance of creative people and creative education in these complex and challenging times.
Penny Macbeth