Introductory Poster
'this cloud may burst'
A publication presenting visuals and writings around the loss and preservation of memory with contributions from Debi Banerjee, Jenny Brownrigg, Sean Patrick Campbell and Katri Heinämäki.
Physical Copies
'this cloud may burst'
Get in touch if you would like a copy.
Price: £6 plus postage
This item is for sale, please contact for more information.
Publication Cover
'this cloud may burst'
A tad smaller than an A5 with 44 pages.
Price: £6 plus postage
This item is for sale, please contact for more information.
Content Page
'this cloud may burst'
Debi Banerjee
'this cloud may burst'
Content and Bio
Jenny Brownrigg
'this cloud may burst'
Content and Bio
Sean Patrick Campbell
'this cloud may burst'
Content and Bio
Katri Heinämäki
'this cloud may burst'
Content and Bio
Poster for 'In/Visibility: Presence in Performance'
'In/Visibility: Presence in Performance' in collaboration with the Hunterian Museum was scheduled to be a one-day event at the end of March featuring video works by Glasgow-based artist Ashanti Harris, a talk by London-based dancer Kate Coyne, a screening of Isaac Julien's 'Looking for Langston' (1989) by Glasgow-based curator Lydia Honeybone and a zine-making workshop organized by the Glasgow Zine Library. It was regrettably cancelled with the onset of the pandemic.
Poster for 'My Truth is Your Story'
This is one of the three posters designed for the collaborative project titled 'My Truth is Your Story' under the group 'the_bricolage' that featured artists from the Glasgow School of Art MFA. The exhibition was a one-day event showcasing works and performances at the historic Britannia Panopticon, Glasgow, held in the month of November 2019. Follow us on Instagram: @the_bricolage
In solidarity with #pauseorpay campaign.
Please follow for updates on the current challenges faced by the students of GSA and other UK universities as a result of decisions taken by the administration with the onset of the pandemic.