Animation showing the OS MHPMV "Hephaestus" exploding.
Music Credit: Elliott Cookson
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Exploded Diagram
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Part List with Drawings
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Detailed Views
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User Journey-01
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In Use
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Modelling Kit
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Why must space cost so much?
My Speculative Design aims to critique the space industries’ current practices and investigates the use of human power and innovative design to reduce the cost of payloads, energy-producing products and mobility vehicles.
Combining my years of industry experience in additive design engineering and new knowledge from The Glasgow School of Art I produced a product that can be modified in space. By utilising filament wound carbon fiber tubes and a Markforged 3D printer I created the first Open Source Mars Human Powered Mobility Vehicle. This initial design has been based on my research into the space industry. By utilising a 3D printer that prints continuous carbon fiber its possible to manufacture 3D printed joints in which the carbon fiber tubes are then able to be glued into, resulting in fully custom vehicles to suit the astronaut’s needs. This vehicle is designed for exploring further than on foot. However, it may be modified by adding a cargo basket to the front of the vehicle to allow the astronaut to collect items. By using this design and manufacture method it resulted in a design that can be reused, recycled, and readapted to suit whatever the astronauts in the year 2030 may require.
As part of my technical report, I investigated the feasibility of this vehicle and the astronaut’s ability to ride it in Mars, it works and it would be possible to ride in Mars, as long as the astronauts ate well.
My final outcome is a model kit, this would have been available to be used as a vessel to dream with had this been a physical degree show.
Currently, I am now working with Patrick Rennie of Mars Society UK to pursue this project further. We are looking to continue working on the engineering design and develop this further, hopefully taking this project to Utah or Oman for an analog space mission.
If you would like to read more and in further detail please contact me and I can share my design journal and technical report with you.