The short animation circulates the significances of the research outcomes. In particular, the visual journey through the four ministries reflects the social ideology realised in the research.
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The Theory: Bio-politics
The illustration created by the author shows the historical development of bio-politics.
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The Concept Collage
The concept combines the visual elements collected amid the pandemic and reinvents a new spatial language.
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The Graphical Pattern
The graphics are decomposed and reorganised as a new parttern.
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The Site Reference
The design has taken four locations in Glasgow as references for the creation of the four ministries.
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The Experimental Model
The physical model has explored the food distribution machine in the ministry of plenty.
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Food Distribution Machine
A short animation created by the author has further examined the idea of the food distribution system.
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Party Slogan
The party slogan: isolation is health; freedom is arrogance; obedience is safety.
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Ministry of Love
People gather in the ministry of love showing their appreciation to the party. The televised programme, Daily Briefing, keeps update news about COVID-19.
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Ministry of Plenty: Food Collection
Due to the lockdown, the supply chain has been disrupted. People are only allowed to obtain their 'fake' food and drink through the tiny window once in a day.
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Food Collection Machine Drawing
The drawing shows the structure and construction of the machine in detail.
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Ministry of Truth
Following the extreme 'social-distancing rule', physical contact should be terminated in the workplace. The installations have discouraged interaction and collaboration; it has implemented the 'one-way system'.
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Ministry of Peace
As there is neither vaccine nor cure, people with symptoms of COVID-19 are isolated in the ministry of peace.
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The Room 105
Room 105, same as a few other hundreds within the ministry of peace, is the 'best' place for the patients. It has provided 24-hour 'medical observation' by the CCTV camera, and the latest Daily Briefing.
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With a bachelor’s degree from Kingston University, Hardy has continued to study MDes Interior Design at GSA. His design research at Glasgow has combined philosophy and interiors, involving artificial intelligence, post-anthropocentrism, and bio-politics. Hardy has worked professionally as an architectural design intern in both Japan and China. Along with five other students, he has won the school competition for the Mack Light in recent. Hardy is a multiple scholarships recipient, and his work is shared on various websites. Hardy is looking for a dynamic design studio in the UK, where he can employ his creativity and specialisation, with interests developed.
The coronavirus pandemic has forced us to rethink the politics of health in a broader sense. The design research has centred the biopolitical philosophy studied by both Michel Foucault and Giorgio Agamben. The latter mentions ‘naked life’, in which survival becomes the only human raison d’ être, and the state of exception becomes the new normal. Taking the totalitarian society portrayed in the film 1984, the author has envisioned the four ministries, which embodied the post-pandemic landscape and its social ideology. By reinterpreting the COVID-19 signs, the author has produced a set of graphical patterns employed in the spatial design. Through the four ministries, the project has speculated an ‘alternative world’, in which people sacrifice individual freedom to public health, and consequently live in a permanent state of fear and insecurity.
The short animation circulates the significances of the research outcomes. In particular, the visual journey through the four ministries reflects the social ideology realised in the research.
People gather in the ministry of love showing their appreciation to the party. The televised programme, Daily Briefing, keeps update news about COVID-19.
Due to the lockdown, the supply chain has been disrupted. People are only allowed to obtain their 'fake' food and drink through the tiny window once in a day.
Following the extreme 'social-distancing rule', physical contact should be terminated in the workplace. The installations have discouraged interaction and collaboration; it has implemented the 'one-way system'.
Room 105, same as a few other hundreds within the ministry of peace, is the 'best' place for the patients. It has provided 24-hour 'medical observation' by the CCTV camera, and the latest Daily Briefing.