Gathering tomorrow
After months of lockdown and uncertainty for the future, the idea of gathering is one of the main issue. “How are we experiencing movement restriction, social distancing, isolation, slowness, quietness, emptiness, and fear? What's our take on human-nature relationship? What philosophical insights can we draw from this peculiar moment in our modern history?” (from A Dance Mag).
The performance Gathering tomorrow focuses on the atmosphere of a gathering after lockdown, on the idea of being allowed to stand, to be on our feet to meet and dance again. Above, a score of the dance is presented as a baseline before collaborating with dancers. The publication shows some visual references and some drawings of movements to understand the framework of the dance, split into 5 parts. This interactive zine is meant to be used by dancers who can write and draw on it to add any relevant suggestion.
In the future, the performance will be filmed to create a video as a final outcome.